International Archived Conferences (Full proceedings)

46. W. JeongB. Kim, A. Khazmurat, H. Shin, “Micrometer-sized carbon mesh electrode-based in-situ electrochemical filter for enhancing reliability of electrochemical biosensors”, The 38th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (IEEE MEMS 2025), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, January 19-23 (2025).

45. J. Cho*, Y. J. Pyeon*, J. Yeom*, H. Kim*, S. Cho, Y. Kim, T. Kim, J.-H. Kwak, G. Choi, Y. Lee, H. Shin, H. E. Jeong, J. Kim**, “An Adhesive Interposer-Based Reconfigurable Multi-Sensor Patch Interface with On-Chip Application-Tunable Time-Domain Feature Extraction,” International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), 67, 554-556, 2024.

44. W. Cho, J.-H. Kwak, T. KimH. Shin, “Thermal conductivity detector (TCD)-type gas sensor based on the suspended 1D nanoheater for IoT applications”, the 36th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Munich, Germany, January 15-19 (2023).

43. B. Kim, S. R. Joshi, S.-K. Kim, G.-H. Kim, H. Shin, “Biopolymer derived thin carbon film as a novel sensing material for low-cost resistive and fast-response humidity sensors”, 18th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors, Virtual meeting, May 30-June 3 (2021).

42. W. Cho, T. Kim, B. Kim, S. Lee, H. Shin, “Low power high concentration gas sensor based on the 3ω-method using a suspended nanowire heater”, 18th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors, Virtual meeting, May 30-June 3 (2021).

41. T. Kim, S. Lee, H. Shin, “Suspended 1D metal oxide nanowire junction networks for use as highly sensitive gas sensors”, 18th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors, Virtual meeting, May 30-June 3 (2021).

40. T. Kim, S. Lee, B. Kim, W. Cho, H. Shin, “Suspended heater embedded metal oxide nanowire based gas sensor platform”, 18th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors, Virtual meeting, May 30-June 3 (2021).

39. T. Kim, S. Lee, B. Kim, W. Cho, J. Lee, H. Shin, Suspended heater embedded metal oxide nanowire based gas sensor platform, 18th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS 2020), Montreal, Canada, schedule pending due to COVID-19. (Selected for a student travel grant of up to $400 from the National Science Foundation, and provided through Georgia Institute of Technology)

38. J. Lee, H. Shin, “3D Nanoporous carbon microelectrodes with sponge-like edge structures for heavy metal sensing”, The 23rd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2019), Basel, Switsland, Ocotober 26-31 (2019).

37. D. Sharma, J. Lee, H. Shin, “Microchannel-integrated sandwich 3D triple electrodes for enhanced detection of myoglobin as cardiac biomarker”, The 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers 2019), Berlin, Germany, June 23-27 (2019).

36. D. Sharma, J. Lee, H. Shin, “Gold nanostructure decorated 3D porous carbon architectures as a non-enzymatic glucose sensor”, The 32th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Seoul, Korea, January 27-31 (2019).

35. J. Lee, D. Sharma, H. Shin, “Enhanced selective detection of glucose using redox cycling effect in microchannel-integrated sandwich electrode”, The 22th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2018), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, November 11-15 (2018).

34. B. Kim, H. Shin, “Single cell entrapment using diffusiophoresis in 3D microfunnels integrated in a mixed-scale channel network”, The 22th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2018), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, November 11-15 (2018).

33. Y. Lim, S. Lee, Y. M. Kwon, J. M. Baik, H. Shin, “Gas sensor based on a metal oxide nanowire forest built on a suspended carbon nano-heater”, the 31th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Belfast , UK, January 21-25 (2018).

32. J. Lee, D. Sharma, H. Shin, “Biosensor platform based on sandwich carbon electrodes enabling enzymatic-electrochemical redox cycling”, the 21th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2017), Savannah, USA, October 22-26 (2017).

31. D. Sharma, J. Lee, H. Shin, “Electrochemical immunosensor based on 3D triple electrode system for sensitive detection of cardiac biomarker”, the 21th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2017), Savannah, USA, October 22-26 (2017).

30. J. Hong, B. Kim, H. Shin, “Diffusiophoresis-based selective particle entrapment in 3D microfunnels integrated in a mixed-scale PDMS fluidic device”, the 21th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2017), Savannah, USA, October 22-26 (2017).

29. D. Sharma, J. Lee, J. Seo, Y. Lim, H. Shin, “Redox cycling-based electrochemical-enzymatic biosensor platform fabricated via electrodeposition of gold nanoparticles on carbon IDA nanoelectrodes”, the 19th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers 2017), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, June 18-22 (2017).

28. Y. Lim, J.H. Chu, D.H. Lee, S.-Y. Kwon, H. Shin, “Electrical conductivity enhancement of 1D glassy carbon nanostructure using rapid thermal annealing”, the 19th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers 2017), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, June 18-22 (2017).

27. J. Seo, Y. Lim, H. Shin, “High-performance hydrogen sensor based on an array of single suspended carbon nanowires selectively functionalized with palladium nanoparticles”, the 30th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Las Vegas, USA, January 22-26 (2017).

26. Y. Lim, D. Sharma, H. Shin, “Development of patternable nanoporous carbon electrodes for use as biosensors based on redox cycling effect”, the 30th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Las Vegas, USA, January 22-26 (2017).

25. J. Hong, H. Shin, “Fabrication of mixed-scale PMMA channel networks by nanoimprint using a convex carbon mold”, the 20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2016), Dublin, Ireland, October 9-13 (2016).

24. Y. Lim, S. H. Joo, H. Shin, “Development of pyrolyzed nanoporous carbon electrodes with sponge-like networks of mesopores for use as supercapacitors”, the 229th Electrochemical Society Meeting, San Diego, USA, May 29-June 2 (2016).

23. J. Lee, Y. Lim, H. Shin, “Alignment-less microchannel integration onto a stacked carbon electrode set for highly sensitive electrochemical sensor application”, IEEE Sensors 2015, Busan, Korea, November 1-4 (2015).

22. Y. Lee, Y. Lim, H. Shin, “Development of the batch fabrication technique using carbon-MEMS for mixed-scale channel networks including tapered 3D microfunnels”, the 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2015), Gyeongju, Korea, October 25-29 (2015).

21. D. Sharma, Y. Lim, Y. Lee, H. Shin, “Carbon-interdigitated-array-nanoelectrode-based glucose sensor using redox-cycling between selectively modified and unmodified comb sets”, the 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2015), Gyeongju, Korea, October 25-29 (2015).

20. Y. Lim, Y. Lee, J. Lee, H. Shin, “A circumferentially grown ZnO nanowire forest on a suspended carbon nanowire for a highly sensitive gas sensor”, the 28th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Estoril, Fortugal, January 18-22 (2015).

19. Y. Lee, Y. Lim, H. Shin, “Fabrication of a monolithic carbon mold for producing a mixed-scale PDMS channel network using a single molding process”, the 28th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Estoril, Fortugal, January 18-22 (2015).

18. F. I. Uba, K.M. W-Ratnayake, J. Wu, Y.K. Cho, H. Shin, S.A. Soper, “Development of integrated nanofluidic devices for the detection of sequence variations in dsDNA”, the 18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2014), San Antonio, USA, October 26-30 (2014).

17. Y. Lim, J. Heo, H. Shin, “Suspended carbon nanowire-based structures for sensor platforms”, the 225th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Orlando, USA, May 11-15 (2014).

16. Y. Lim, J. Heo, M. J. Madou, H. Shin, “Development of suspended 2D carbon Nanostructures: nanowires to nanomeshes”, the 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers 2013), Barcelona, Spain, June 16-20 (2013).

15. Y. Lim, J. Heo, H. Shin, “A stacked electrode set including suspended carbon nanomeshes and planar carbon pads for electrochemical/bio sensor applications”, the 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers 2013), Barcelona, Spain, June 16-20 (2013).

14. J. Heo, Y. Lim, H. Shin, “Development of a hydrogen gas sensor based on a suspended monolithic carbon nanowire platform”, the 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers 2013), Barcelona, Spain, June 16-20 (2013).

13. Y. Lim, B. Lee, J. Heo, H. Shin, “Gold nanoparticle-carbon nanowire hybrid interdigitated array nanoelectrodes for enhancing electrochemical signal amplification”, the 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers 2013), Barcelona, Spain, June 16-20 (2013).

12. J-I. Heo, Y. Lim, M. Madou, H. Shin, “Development of a carbon microchannel integrated with a horizontal carbon sandwich electrode pair for ultra sensitive electrochemical/bio sensors”, the 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2012), Okinawa, Japan, October 28-November 1 (2012).

11. J-I. Heo, Y. Lim, M. Madou, H. Shin, “Scalable suspended carbon nanowire meshes as ultrasensitive electrochemical sensing platforms”, the 25th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Paris, France, January 29-February 2 (2012).

10. J-I. Heo, M. Madou, H. Shin, “Scalable monolithic suspended carbon nanowire array systems as ultrasensitive electrochemical sensing platforms”, the 15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2011), Seattle, USA, October 2-6 (2011).

9. F. I. Uba, J. Wu, S. Park, D. Moldova, B. Novak, H. Shin, D.K. Park, Y.K. Cho, T. Kim, S.A. Soper, “Nanogap electrical detection of single molecules translocating through a nanochannel with transverse nanoelectrodes and funnels populated with an array of nanopillars”, the 15th International Conference on `Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2011), Seattle, USA, October 2-6 (2011).

8. J-I. Heo, D. –S. Shim, R. Martinez Duarte, M. Madou, H. Shin, “3-D carbon interdigitated array nanoelectrodes for highly sensitive sensing of neurotransmitters”, the 14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2010), Groningen, Netherlands, October 3-7 (2010).

7. J. Wiedemair, J. Moon, H. Shin, B. Mizaikoff, and C. Kranz, “Ion beam induced deposition of platinum-carbon composite electrodes for bifunctional AFM-SECM probes”, the 212th Meeting of ECS, Washington, DC, October 7-12 (2007).

6. S. Kumar, H. Shin, C. G. Carson, Z. L. Wang, Z. Zhang, R. A. Gerhardt, and P. J. Hesketh, “Dielectrophoretic characterization of SnO2 nanobelts”, the 14th international Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators (Transducers 2007), Lyon, France, Jun 10-14 (2007).

5. D. Surawicz, P. H. Bolivar, H. Shin, and B. Mizaikoff, “Surface plasmon polariton-based coaxial probe for terahertz near-filed microscopy”, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, May 6-11 (2007).

4. S. Kumar, H. Shin, Y.-B. Chen, X. Kong, Z. L. Wang, Z. Zhang, and P. J. Hesketh, “Visible light response of tin oxide nanobelts”, the 20th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Kobe, Japan, January 21-25 (2007).

3. H. Shin, P. J. Hesketh, C. Kranz, D. Rudolph, and B. Mizaikoff, “A novel approach for batch fabrication of bifunctional AFM-SECM probes”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and RD & Expo (IMECE 2005), Orlando, November 5-11 (2005).

2. H. Shin and P. J. Hesketh, “Micro four-point probe with metal tip”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and RD & Expo (IMECE 2003), Washington, DC, November 15-21 (2003).

1. H. Shin and P. J. Hesketh, “Micro fabrication of nickel cantilever arrays and tips”, the 201st Meeting of ECS, Philadelphia, PV, May 12-17 (2002).

Domestic Archived Conferences (Full proceedings)

42. J-H. Kwak, W. Cho,  A. Khazhmurat, H. Shin, “이중 열분해 공정을 이용한 고재현성 공중부유형 탄소 1D 나노 구조체 제조 기법”, the 26th Korean MEMS Conferences, Jeju, Korea, March 27-29 (2024).

41. T. Kim, Y. Kim, J. J. Kim, H. Shin, “Development of a single sensor-based electronic nose using deep learning”, the 26th Korean MEMS Conferences, Jeju, Korea, March 27-29 (2024).

40. B. Kim, W. Jeong, J.-H. Park, A. Khazhmurat, H. Shin, “Transconductance enhancement in high-field modulated FET through locating a mesh gate in parallel”, The KSME 2023 Fall Annual Meeting, Songdo, Korea, November 1-4 (2023).

39. W. Jeong, J.-H. Park, B. Kim, A. Khazhmurat, H. Shin, “Enhancing selectivity in IDE-based biosensor via suspended mesh-based electrochemical filter”, The KSME 2023 Fall Annual Meeting, Songdo, Korea, November 1-4 (2023).

38. J-H. Kwak, W. Cho, H. Shin, “Fabrication of suspended carbon nanomesh structures using Si etching”, the 25th Korean MEMS Conferences, Jeju, Korea, March 22-24 (2023).

37. W. Cho, T. Kim, H. shin, “Suspended mesh heater-based thermal conductivity detector (TCD)-type gas sensor fabricated without an etching process”, the 25th Korean MEMS Conferences, Jeju, Korea, March 22-24 (2023).

36. T. Kim, W. Cho, H. Shin, “A study on optimization of pulse-width modulation of 1D nanoheater for metal oxide semiconductor-based gas sensoring”, the 25th Korean MEMS Conferences, Jeju, Korea, March 22-24 (2023).

35. S. Bag, T. Kim, W. Cho, J.-H. Kwak, J. H. Park, H. Shin, “Room temperature benzene sensor based on two-dimensional (2D) Ti3C2Tx MXene”, The KSME 2022 Fall Annual Meeting, Jeju, Korea, November 9-12 (2022).

34. W. Cho, P. A. K. Reddy, T. Kim, H. Shin, “Development of highly sensitive NO2 sensor based on Ag/ZnO heterojunction formed on a suspended carbon mesh”, the 24th Korean MEMS Conferences, Jeju, Korea, April 6-8 (2022).

33. W. Jeong, B. Kim, J.-H. Kwak, H. Shin, “Development of a non-enzymatic glucose sensor capable of local pH modulation via integration of a palladium microelectrode”, The KSME 2021 Fall Annual Meeting, Gwangju, Korea, November 3-6 (2021).

32. J-H. Kwak, B. Kim, S.-K. Kim, G.-H. Kim, H. Shin, “Development of Through Silicon Via Technology with Carbon Thin Film for C-MEMS-Based Device Packaging”, The KSME 2021 Fall Annual Meeting, Gwangju, Korea, November 3-6 (2021).

31. P. Kundu, J. Lee, B. Kim, J.-H. Kwak, H. Shin, “Fabrication and characterization of a thin carbon film as a quasi-reference electrode for miniaturized electrochemical biosensor applications”, the 23rd Korean MEMS Conferences, Buyeo, Korea, April 7-9 (2021).

30. T. Kim, S. Lee, B. Kim, W. Cho, H. Shin, “Heater embedded metal oxide nanowire gas sensor in a suspended architecture”, the 22th Korean MEMS Conferences, Pyeongchang, Korea, August 19-21 (2020).

29. B. Kim, S. R. Joshi, G.-H. Kim, H. Shin, “Development of the humidity sensing platform using carbon electrodes integrated with a thin carbon film”, the 22th Korean MEMS Conferences, Pyeongchang, Korea, August 19-21 (2020).

28. W. Cho, S. Lee, T. Kim, B. Kim, H. Shin, “Gas sensor based on the 3ω-method using a gold-coated suspended carbon nanowire”, The KSME 2019 Fall Annual Meeting, Jeju, Korea, November 13-16 (2019).

27. S. Lee, H. Shin, “Suspended ZnO nanorod bridge netowork-based gas sensor”, the 21th Korean MEMS Conferences, Jeju, Korea, April 4-6 (2019).

26. S. Jung, D. Sharma, H. Shin, “Enhancing the performance of sandwich-electrode based enzymatic biosensor via selective gold nanoparticle integration”, the 21th Korean MEMS Conferences, Jeju, Korea, April 4-6 (2019).

25. Y. Lim, S. Lee, Y. M. Kwon, J. M. Baik, H. Shin, “A highly sensitive gas sensor based on CuO nanoflakes circumferentially grown on a suspended carbon nanowire”, the 20th Korean MEMS Conferences, Jeju, Korea, April 5-7 (2018).

24. B. Kim, H. Shin, “Selective particle entrapment using diffusiophoresis in a mixed-scale polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) channel network”, the 20th Korean MEMS Conferences, Jeju, Korea, April 5-7 (2018).

23. Y. Lim, S.-Y. Kwon, H. Shin, “Rapid thermal process induced enhancement of electrical/electrochemical properties of pyrolyzed carbon nanowires”, the 19th Korean MEMS Conferences, Jeju, Korea, March 30-April 1 (2017).

22. Y. Lim, D. Sharma, H. Shin, “Electrochemical-Enzymatic-Redox-Cycling-Based Glucose Sensor Fabricated Using Nanoporous Carbon Microelectrode”, the 19th Korean MEMS Conferences, Jeju, Korea, March 30-April 1 (2017).

21. J. Seo, Y. Lim, H. Shin, “Suspended Pd nanoparticle/carbon nanowire based hydrogen gas sensor with self-heating based high performances”, the 19th Korean MEMS Conferences, Jeju, Korea, March 30-April 1 (2017).

20. Y. Lim, S. Joo, H. Shin, “Nanoporous carbon electrode with sponge-like networks for electrochemical supercapacitors”, the 18th Korean MEMS Conferences, Jeju, Korea, April 7-9 (2016).

19. J. Hong, H. Shin, “Mixed-scale PMMA channel networks fabricated by nanoimprint using a monolithic carbon mold”, the 18th Korean MEMS Conferences, Jeju, Korea, April 7-9 (2016).

18. J. Seo, Y. Lim, H. Shin, “Hydrogen gas sensor based on a suspended carbon nanowire selectively decorated with palladium nanoparticles”, the 18th Korean MEMS Conferences, Jeju, Korea, April 7-9 (2016).

17. J. Hong, Y. Lim, H. Shin, “Fabrication of mixed-scale PMMA channel networks using nanoimprint”, the KSME 2015 Fall Annual Meeting, Jeju, Korea, November 11-14 (2015).

16. Y. Lim, J. Seo, H. Shin, “Development of gold/carbon hybrid IDA nanoelectrode enhancing redox cycling effect”, the 17th Korean MEMS Conferences, Jeju, Korea, April 2-4 (2015).

15. J. Lee, Y. Lim, H. Shin, “Electrochemical sensor based on vertically aligned dual carbon electrodes embedded in a microchannel without complex alignment process”, the 17th Korean MEMS Conferences, Jeju, Korea, April 2-4 (2015).

14. Y. Lim, J. Bae, H. Shin, “Development of carbon microelectrodes with nanopores and nano-sized wrinkles”, the KSME 2014 Fall Annual Meeting, Gwangju, Korea, November 11-14 (2014).

13. Y. Lim, Y. Lee, H. Shin, “ZnO nanowire forest circumferentially grown on a suspended carbon nanowire for the application of gas sensors”, the 16th Korean MEMS Conferences, Jeju, Korea, April 3-5 (2014).

12. Y. Lee, Y. Lim, H. Shin, “Fabrication of a monolithic carbon mold for producing a mixed scale PDMS channel network”, the 16th Korean MEMS Conferences, Jeju, Korea, April 3-5 (2014).

11. Y. Lim, Y. Lee, H. Shin, “Development of highly sensitive hydrogen gas sensors based on a suspended single carbon nanowire functionalized using lift-off process”, the KSME 2013 Fall Annual Meeting, Jungseon, Korea, December 18-20 (2013).

10. Y. Lee, Y. Lim, H. Shin, “Development of the batch fabrication process of molds for mixed-scale channels”, the KSME 2013 Fall Annual Meeting, Jungseon, Korea, December 18-20 (2013).

9. J-I. Heo, Y. Lim, H. Shin, “Development of a hydrogen sensor based on suspended carbon single nanowire”, the 15th Korean MEMS Conferences, Jeju, Korea, April 4-6 (2013).

8. Y. Lim, J.-I. Heo, H. Shin, “Development of a stacked electrode set including a suspended carbon membrane electrode and a planar carbon pad for a high sensitive electrochemical sensor”, the 15th Korean MEMS Conferences, Jeju, Korea, April 4-6 (2013).

7. J-I. Heo, Y. Lim, B. Lee, H. Shin, “Sensitivity enhancement of carbon interdigitated array nanoelectrodes based electrochemical sensors by integrating microchannels”, the KSME 2012 Fall Annual Meeting, Changwon, Korea, November 7- 9 (2012).

6. J-I. Heo, M. J. Madou, H. Shin, “Development of highly sensitive gas sensor platform using suspended carbon nanowire array”, the 13th Korean MEMS Conferences, Jeju, Korea, April 7-9 (2011).

5. H. Shin, D.-S. Shim, J.-I. Heo, H.-R. Park, J.-R. Kim, Y.-H. Ryu, M. Madou, “Development of metal interdigitated array nanoelectrodes of high aspect ratio for highly sensitive electrochemical sensor”, the KSME 2010 Fall Annual Meeting, Jeju, Korea, November 3-5 (2010).

4. J-I. Heo, D.-K. Park, R. M. Duarte, M. J. Madou, H. Shin, “Characterization of 3-D carbon interdigitated array microelectrodes”, the 12th Korean MEMS Conferences, Pusan, Korea, April 1-3 (2010).

3. H. Shin, C. Kranz, P. J. Hesketh, B. Mizaikoff, “Development of batch processed SECM-AFM cantilevers”, the 11th Korean MEMS Conferences, Jeju, Korea, April 2-4 (2009).

2. Y. Kim, M. R. Cho, H. J. Shin, and D. C. Han, “IV-TAP: integrated valve train system analysis program”, the Korean Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Conference, Jeonju, Korea, June 7-8 (2000).

1. C. Han, H. J. Shin, and M. R. Cho, “An analytical study on the dynamics of center pivot rocker arm type valve train system with roller”, the Korean Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Conference, Seoul, Korea, November 20 (1999).