Invited, Keynote, Plenary, and Distinguished Lectures

26. 초청강연. “Carbon-MEMS: wafer-level 3D multiscale fabrication and its applications”, 한국공업화학회 나노분과회-대한기계학회 마이크로/나노공학부문 조인트 워크샵 2024, 부산, February 28 (2024).

25. 초청강연. “Environment for disposable IoT device, and biosignal nanosensor development”, 2022 AIoT (지능형사물인터넷) 컨퍼런스, 서울, October 20 (2022).

24. 초청강연. “Carbon-MEMS as a fabrication technology for 3D multiscale devices”, 마이크로나노시스템학회 영남지역분회 심포지엄, 포항, May 10 (2019).

23. 초청강연. “3D pyrolyzed multiscale carbon electrodes for use as bio/gas sensors”, 2018년 한국센서학회 종합학술대회, 서울, November 16 (2018).

22. 초청강연. “Nanoheater integrated suspended metal-oxide nanowire based gas sensors”, 한국화학연구원, 울산, October 2 (2018).

21. 초청강연. “Suspended carbon nanowire-based gas sensor”, 제15차 한-미 나노포럼, 고양, July 12 (2018).

20. 초청강연. “Suspended metal-oxide nanowire based gas sensors fabricated at a wafer level”, 2018년 한국세라믹학회 춘계학술대회, 창원 , April 12 (2018).

19. 초청강연. “Suspended carbon nanowire based gas sensor”, 2017년 한국세라믹학회 춘계학술대회, 군산, April 20 (2017).

18. 초청강연. “Suspended Pd nanowire based low power and highly reproducible H2 sensor”, ㈜현대 케피코, 군산, February 24 (2017).

17. 초청강연. “Carbon-MEMS for use as 3D micro/nano-fabrication technologies”, 대한기계학회 2016년도 학술대회 마이크로/나노공학부문 전문가리뷰, 정선, Korea, December 15 (2016).

16. 초청강연. “Suspended pyrolytic1D carbon nanostructures for sensor applications”, 연세대학교, 서울, March 18 (2016).

15. 초청강연. “Suspended Pyrolytic 1D Carbon Nanostructures for Sensor Applications”, 전남대학교, 광주, November 27 (2015).

14. 초청강연. “Carbon dual electrode set for Redox-cycling-based electrochemical sensors”, 광운대학교, 서울, May 29 (2015).

13. 초청강연. “Suspended pyrolytic carbon nanowires for gas sensor applications”, 서강대학교, 서울, April 10 (2015).

12. 초청강연. “Suspended carbon nanowire-based structures for sensor platforms”, 한국과학기술연구원, 서울, April 23 (2014).

11. 초청강연. “Suspended carbon nanowire-based structures for sensor platforms”, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA, May (2014).

10. 초청강연. “Electrochemical micro/nano sensors and lithography: SECM-AFM and IDA nanoelectrodes”, 국민대학교, 서울, March 22 (2013).

9. 초청강연. “AFM cantilevers integrated with microelectrodes for electrochemical sensing”, 서강대학교 Global Research Network (GRN) Workshop, 서울, June 22 (2012).

8. 초청강연. “Carbon nanowire sensor platforms working in the fluid environments”, International Colloquium on Multiscale Fluids Engineering, 서울, November 23 (2011).

7. 초청강연. “Development of the customized carbon-nanowire electrochemical/bio/gas sensor platforms”, 중앙대학교, 서울, May 30 (2011).

6. 초청강연. “Development of the customized carbon-nanowire electrochemical/bio/gas sensor platforms”, 한국기계연구원, 대전, May 12 (2011).

5. 초청강연. “Electrochemical micro/nano sensors and lithography: SECM-AFM and IDA nanoelectrodes”, 전남대학교, 광주, April 30 (2010).

4. 초청강연. “Development and applications of the batch fabricated electrochemical AFM cantilevers”, nano-Mechanical Systems Research Division, 한국기계연구원, 대전, November 12 (2009).

3. 초청강연. “Development and applications of the batch fabricated SECM-AFM”, 포항공과대학교 초소형 기계기술연구소, 포항, July 30 (2009).

2. 초청강연. Microcantilever type electrochemical sensors and micro/nano patterning, the 1st International Symposium on Nano-Biothecnology, 울산, May 26 (2009).

1. 초청강연. “Hyphenated scanning probe techniques: combined atomic force scanning electrochemical microscopy (AFM-SECM)”, AFM Workshop, Agnes Scott College, Atlanta, US, April 24 (2007).